Well this is it, it is like a bad movie. The cockroaches here are about 6" long and they fly and they are aggressive, they attack you if you chase them and try to kill them. So I had fallen asleep on the sofa, and something woke me up, nothing unusual there, I am a terrible sleeper, didn't think much of it, got up had a drink went back and laid down, never turned the light on, suddenly I felt something on my head, put my hand up and felt legs going, I jumped up but I was thinking, there has been a big spider hanging around, I let him go because as big as it is, it can eat a lot of bugs!!! I figured it had fallen on my head, then I couldn't find it so I thought maybe it had been my imagination, still hadn't turned on the lights, laid back down, put my hand under the cushion and felt legs moving again!!! Jumped up swore and turned on the light, couldn't see anything so started to look under the cover, and out jumps this huge roach, nothing to hit it with, it flew off and landed on the floor, I grabbed a book and swatted it but you need something like a board with a spike on the end to kill the things. I chased it for a while, it chased me for a while, finally I hit it about 8 times with the book and stunned it enough that it held still then I had my scooter, not the motor scooter but the little razor scooter, you know the kind with rollerblade wheels and I ran over it 27 times with that. Of course I am really wide awake now so I was sitting there on the sofa and damned if another one wasn't in the sofa, by the time I got that one, I was really awake, so I was sitting there and now they keep coming, I am up to number 9 chased and killed, I can't see where they are coming from, I noticed a hole in of the jalousie windows where an a/c was vented I guess, I thought maybe they were getting in there because they seem to be coming from that general direction so I climbed up and duct taped the hole closed, only had red duct tape, looks very attractive, but I have killed 2 more since so I may go stark raving mad or go outside and sleep in the station wagon but I would have to put all the windows up and I would suffocate if I did that, it is 12:45 am now, have been up since 11:30, I am really sleepy and it has been a couple of minutes since the last one, maybe they are all in for the night, maybe if I keep all the lights on, course the lights have been on since 11:30 and it hasn't stopped them, this is THE NIGHT FROM HELL!!!
Oh hell another one just appeared and this time I used half a can of spray on it, I am choking the dogs are sneezing and it is still kicking, there is another, I am going to go mad! I didn't think they usually come out like this until closer to the wet, I haven't seen one in a long time. We have this sprayer that automatically spits out some spray every 7 minutes or something like that, I hate to use it because I am sure the spray is going to kill us but I may turn it back on because I can't stand this!!! Will keep you posted, now 12:59
1:09 another appeared and was climbing down the wall, when I started towards it, it flew at me then veered off and disappeared into the jalousies, I can't find it, I have sprayed the other half of the can around the area and every now and again I can hear something like lots of legs scratching on the screen but I can't see it. I am so tired but it is not safe to sleep!
Another one, chased it and got it, I am getting braver with each attack. Made so much noise beating this one with a hard cover book this time, I have awakened the 3 little dogs who live 2 doors up the street, they are barking madly. Ah thank goodness, the cavalry has arrived, all the commotion has disturbed Ian, he says I can go to sleep and he will stand guard, my hero!!! Here are some pictures of NT cockroaches that I sent out last year during the "roach season!"