Monday, March 15, 2010


Blogger carvinmom said...

Hi Sally,
Love your photos and move over , love fishing also. Im a fellow woodcarver from the group, just coming by to visit your blog.
What have you been carving? What type of art do the aboriginies do. I enjoy native or ethnic type of woodcarvings and art.. How about you.. Linda
or Carvinmom in Montana

5:25 am  
Blogger Bernie said...

Hi Sally & Ian,
Glad you had a safe trip to Qld.
The dogs certainly look no worse for the trip.
Love the warehouse, plenty of room to do your own thing, a bit of personal space.
Take care,

12:02 pm  
Blogger Bernie said...

Great photos, Sally,
What are your long term plans?
Go back into business or just take it easy for a while.
I gather from your blog you are renting the warehouse for a while?

10:42 am  
Blogger Bernie said...

Hi Sally,
Love the photos, the town dog looks to settled in well.
Are you renting the warehouse and what are your intentions for the future?

10:43 am  
Blogger Bernie said...

Hi Sally,
Thanks for keeping me up to date.
I catch Xav on facebook on the odd occasion.
Is that Nat John in the photo between Ian and Xav?
I wouldn't recognise him now. Last time I saw him Nance was still alive.
Take care and say Hi to Ian for me.

5:04 pm  
Blogger Sarah said...

Nice pics Sally!! Love Town Dog's personalised car seat cover. She is so cute x

9:01 pm  

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