Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Long Time No Blog!!!

I haven't blogged because there has been not too much exciting happening in my life. Seems as if everything after the Jabiru and then far north Queensland has been an anti climax. But there are some beautiful sights here as well so I am going to start sharing them again.

To bring you up to date, we have only 2 dogs now, Town and Bird.
We lost the big Red dog during Cyclone Yasi in Townsville a couple of years back. But we have added 2 birds to the family. We have Winnie the Cockatiel, she is named after my mom of course. Here she is with one of my carvings.
And here is Macca the Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. He is such a funny bird! We rescued him from a home where he was loved but neglected. We are hoping with proper nutrition his feathers will be restored to their true glory.


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