Friday, April 07, 2006


We are officially marooned and have been for about the last 3 days. No mail deliveries, no nothing that would come in by truck. There is still helicopter transport for medical emergencies and Kakadu Air is still flying in and out. But, there are only 2 roads out of Jabiru, one is to Pine Creek and that is the first picture, the bridge is closed, water over the road and very strong currents. The other way out is the road to Darwin and that is closed at the Wildman River which is pretty far up the road so I don't have pics there. But it is apparently pretty wild! Ian and I and the dogs went for a ride this morning to get a look, we saw 2 crocs, one small (about 1.5 meter) it was sitting right on the road, but was gone before I could turn the camera on and the 2nd was just along side of the road and that was a biggie, I reckon 4-5 meters, he churned the water up pretty good as he disappeared into the treetops, sounds funny doesn't it, but that's what happened! Remember I always say I expect something exotic to come out of the speargrass, well the picture shows a wild horse vanishing into it. As you drive along it reminds me of the bayous in the southern USA where the water is right up to the edge of the road on both sides, One of the park rangers, Ollie, was telling me that in 1998 the water was over the yellow guard rails on the bridge. It is just so hard to believe all this water, everywhere, is going to disappear in another couple of weeks, makes me think the center of the earth must be a giant sponge, not a firey core!


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