Sunday, March 26, 2006

South Alligator River Boat Ride

We had a boat trip up the South Alligator with our friend Geoff. It was spectacularly beautiful with the sun shining one minute and the sky angry and churning the next, never did rain though and as usual I got a heck of a sunburn on my nose. As we journeyed up the river (away from the ocean) it became increasingly difficult to figure out where the banks of the river were as
the flood plains moved in. We were once again floating through the treetops, passed a Jabiru nesting and could almost look her in the eye! Eventually the trees became few and far between until there were none but a couple of branches just barely reaching out of the water and it seemed like the whole world was submerged. The sky came down to meet the wet on the horizon with nothing to separate the land from the sky except the fine line of the escarpment in the distance, it was truly eerie!


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