The Mighty Magela

More on the Magela
In the dry, the mighty Magela is barely a trickle. If you are brave, you can hike up the almost dry bed, but watch out for the Momma Croc who lives up the way and is none too friendly. In the wet, as you have seen from the pics, it turns into a river, making it impossible to get across the road, and into a fisherman's paradise with big tarpon and barra jumping everytime I go out. Anyhow, we decided to take a cruise up the creek while the water is high, it was absolutely surreal, gliding through
the tree tops in a boat, too many different shades of green to count, when they cut the engine on the boat, a quietness that is
almost scary! Here are some pics. I will put more up on in the next couple of days.

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