Marooned Again!

Here we go again, because of the rains that accompanied Cyclone Monica the 2 roads out of town are flooded again. So we have had no mail, no fresh foods, let me tell you the grocery store is beginning to look pretty bare of greens and the like. We have had newspapers because they are flying them in. The above is a picture of the road to Ubirr, I was impressed earlier in the wet when the water was almost up to the level of the road, as you can see from this photo, it is now completely over the road. Bird Dog thinks it is pretty neat too!

These 2 photos are of the same site but from a slightly different angle. It is hard to believe it can go from a small stream, which by the way, later into the dry, became not much more than a muddy trickle, into a field of water!

I found this photo interesting because you can see on the trees the scars from the burn of the last dry and now they are standing in water a couple of meters deep, what a land of contrasts! The second is just another shot to give you an idea of the huge amounts of water that accumulates in a big rain. Everyone agrees this was a good wet!!! I will double check on the exact amount of rain that has fallen, to someone from the east coast of USA, it was an astronomical figure!!!

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