The REAL Wet Is Here!!!

Appropriate sign!
The monsoon trough is hovering over us and hasn't moved for 3 days now. That means steady walls of water coming down, no hint of sun or blue sky. There are some people who say they enjoy the wet much more than the dry but I am starting to seriously miss the sunshine! Up til now we had some water about but I think now there is more than last year probably because it is coming all at once and there is no time in between downpours for the previous to dissipate. The road I travel into Darwin is closed, completely washed out at a couple of spots and the long way via Pine Creek is passable for big trucks but I don't know if I would want to try it in the jeep. We went out to 3 Bridges this morning for a look and as you will see in the pics, the water was across the road, must have just come up because there was no warning sign, usually Parks has portable signs out ahead of the water so you don't hit it at high speed and blind yourself in the wash. No croc sightings on the roads yet but with this much water about, it won't be long til the Kamikaze Crocs appear again.
This is just about a kilometer outside of town, wasn't much more than a puddle a little bit ago, now it could be used for white water rafting, well almost.

It is building up on both sides of the road.

And some places, it is already across! This is in between bridge 1 and bridge 2, won't be long before this is impassable.

It is very close to coming across this bridge, that was about 4 hours ago, could be over by now.

This is the road out to Magela, we went through it but as you can see by the next pic, we couldn't get to Magela, the last flood plain before it was way too deep, someone must have pinched the depth marker but it was deeper than I have seen it before.

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