Getting Sleepy, Time for a Walk-about

It really is a long drive from Darwin to home in Jabiru, the last stretch is about 220 kilometers and at this time of the year, you might only pass one or two other cars in the whole time. There didn't used to be a speed limit so you could go like a bat out of hell, but because of the multitude of deaths on the NT roads they have now imposed a limit of 130kph which is equal to about 81mph. I start to get sleepy and then I have to stop and splash water on my face and jog up and down the road a couple of times, then I climb back in, put the iPod on to whatever book I am listening to (Odd Thomas the Monk this time) and then off we go until I have to do it all over again. Sometimes I just give up and have a nap! You can see the spear grass starting to come up in this photo. It is not as tall as last year because it has not been as wet but the monsoon seemingly is here for real now so that should speed up the growth from here on in.
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