Hi Y'all, I was in Darwin to pick up stuff for the shop and I thought perhaps you would like to see some of the sights there. It is a small but nice city, good art galleries, both indigenous and other, great museum and because of the role it played during World War II, a fair bit of history. I love the architecture of the older houses but not many of them are left because of Cyclone Tracy about 30 years ago. She practically destroyed the entire city and houses built since then have a different look and feel to make them safer in a big blow, but in so doing, the ambiance and character are lost, the new houses are so generic, they look like you could plop them down in a suburb most anywhere and they would fit right in. The older houses were up on stilts for the breeze to cool and circulate air from below and had huge verandahs so you could virtually live outside in the treetops all year long, they were built of wood or tin with lots of louvres, a distinctly tropical attitude. Darwin also has some great Asian restaurants. I always eat either at my favorite Vietnamese or the Malaysian place while I am in. Anyhow, here are some photos.

This is Parliament House, Darwin is the capitol of the Northern Territory. I think it is such a beautiful building.

One of the typical modern highrises in the downtown area of the city.

Darwin has several gorgeous beaches, but look at the sign below, they are always there to spoil your fun and of course don't forget the crocs too!

This is Darwin Harbour, I have a run every morning I am in town and this is my favorite route. There is a walkway/bikepath that is absolutely beautiful, the harbour on one side and always a riot of blooming flowers on the other.

This is the Smith Stret Mall with its giant frangapani blossoms, also where my favorite Malaysian restaurant is.

This is one of the historical markers along the walkway at the harbour.

It is so hot here that almost everyone has a covered parking area. If you don't park under cover, you can literally burn your hands on the steering wheel not to mention other parts of your anatomy on the seats!

And last but not least is another absolutely gaudy Darwin sunset on Cullen Bay, happens every night folks and I never tire of watching and taking pictures!