rooeytoo in oz

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Winter Skies

You can tell it is winter, the temp has dipped down below the 30's a couple of times. That is 30 Celcius equaling about 86 Fahrenheidt which means that I have to dig out my longest shorts and maybe even a sweatshirt. There is very little humidity at this time of the year and the colors of the countryside seem to be so vibrant and intense. The last one is a couple of black cockatoos taking off. I passed a spot that had recently been burned and that must have caused some seeds that they particularly like to pop out because there must have been 50 or more eating. Of course by the time I stopped, turned around and got back, most of them had gone. Only these few left, see the red spot on their tails, it is unbelieveably brilliant when you see them in person.

Kakadu Culture Camp

We were the guests of Andy Ralph and the Hunter family a week or so ago. We had a bush tucker tour and dinner and a cruise through Muirella Billabong in the pitch black night. It was so spooky! Doug drove the boat and Freddy was up on front with the spotlight. Croc's eyes show up like huge orange headlights in the dark. It was great!

This is the traditional Aboriginal method of cooking the barra, leave the scales on to keep the ash out and just toss them on the fire, they taste delicious! Freddy keeps a close eye on them.

Here Jenny shows us how bush tucker is all around, you just have to know where to look. She is holding a pandanus nut while Katherine hunts for green ants. They can bite pretty good but are an excellent source of vitamin C and Ian eats them when he has a cold. I am too chicken!

This handsome bloke is Jesse Hunter up close and personal.

Some snake left his skin hanging in the tree.

I didn't get any photos on the boat ride but here is one I pinched from the Kakadu Culture Camp for you to see.

Have a look at their website and see all the pictures and thanks again to all the Hunters and Andy too for the wonderful evening.